Khalil Gibran

I love you when you bow in your Mosque, Kneel in your Temple, Pray in your Church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is in spirit

Sunday, February 5, 2017

President Trump Resign by February 28th: Warns Anonymous

#OpResistance is engaged. Anonymous on YouTube have issued President Donald Trump a warning to stand down from office and resign by Feb. 28, stating that since he has taken up office, “an unprecedented attack on basic human decency and civil rights” has been witnessed.
countdown timer has also been installed on the Operation Resistance website, counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the uninstalling of the current Trump regime commences.
The opening footage of the YouTube message gives a nod to those already protesting. “We will protest, resist and continue to practice civil disobedience until we can clearly state that this regime is at an end. You have exactly 35 days or we will take to the streets in a day of resistance,” says The Anon Message, Anonymous.
“Refusing immigration from Muslim countries set the precedent for an isolationist ideology that history has shown us is what perpetuated both world wars,” the clip continues, referencing history to support its argument.
“We will not rest until these demands are met. If these demands are not met we will not let you sleep without hearing our voices ring across this great nation. You have exactly 35 days or we will take to the streets in a day of resistance. We will let you know the true extent of the American people’s power and influence. We are a nation founded on revolution and we will continue that tradition until our government is once again stable and in competent hands.”
Trump’s “pedalling blatant lies” and the expedition of the Dakota Access Pipeline are but some of what is mentioned. “We will not stand for this.”.

Anonymous Warns Donald Trump to Resign by February 28th 2017. Or face the People. Mr. Trump I suggest you take their advice. See video below

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mein Trumpf: How Donald Trump Declared War on The United States

November 8th 2016 will be seen as the day The United States of America possibly became the most hated country in the world.

On this historical day, our Republic elected Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States. This man is a polarizing figure who shares sentiment with what we now call as the Alt-Right which is just another way of saying white supremacist. It was his "Tell it like is" approach that attracted so-called "forgotten voters" who claim they voted for Former President Barack Obama in the last election. Why would I make such a claim that the United States may have become the most hated country in the world? It is because Donald Trump has single handedly in a weeks time tore away the greatest attribute our country held in the attempt to create a more perfect union, thus defying the Constitution and declaring war on us,

As a businessman, he has never once in his life held a position where he had to take an "Oath"to uphold the law and protect the people. His most recent actions of banning people from other specific Muslim countries, which include U.S citizens working abroad based on their ethnicity and religion clearly violates the U.S Constitution. What's worse is his claim that he's doing this for the safety of American citizens, however, none of the countries listed have carried out terrorist attacks against us, the countries who's citizens have attacked us are not banned and ironically these are countries he do direct business with. Any violation of sort can be deemed as a form of treason. Treason as defined in our most scared document.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

Before he actually took office, it was agreed upon by at least 7 national security agencies that Russia hacked into the DNC server to sway the results of our election, not to mention Donald trump encouraged them to engage in such clandestine activity. Russia is not a U.S ally, they are a hostile country in which we tolerate. We have current sanctions in place that Trump says he's considering lifting.

He has signed executive orders to take way peoples healthcare and there is no form of replacement, even members of his own party aren't aware of his replacement plan. He has broken treaties with the indigenous people of this land by greenlighting the Dakota & Key Stone Pipeline to be built on their land. He has surrounded himself and appointed overt racist into his cabinet such as Steve Bannon who is the Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to United States President Donald Trump. Prior to assuming those positions, Bannon was the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Before his political career, Bannon served as executive chair of Breitbart News, a far-right news and opinion entity who support views of white supremacist.

It is for these reasons and much more that I see Donald Trump declaring war on Women, Muslims, Minorities, the poor, Immigrants and Disabled all of which make America a great place to live. therefore declaring war on the United States. It is of the utmost importance that his man be impeached and his entire team be thrown out of their positions before he destroys our country and the world.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Single Servant: Does the Church Keep Black Women Single

The sounds of gospel music dances in the air and into the ears of the children to awaken them from their Saturday night slumber. Mom is up and trying on her newest pair of flesh colored stockings, deciding on which earrings will go best with her solid black skirt that reaches pass her knees. The smell of a burning "hotcomb" is all so familiar to the small noses of the children who are annoyed because they have to be up so early. But no one was up as early as grandmother who had been reading her Bible before the cock crowed 3 times.

Within 45 minutes the entire family was ready to leave and head to the lords house. There's mom, grand mom, two beautiful young girls and the handsome youngest boy. But someone is missing. Dad!!! Not just dad, a man period. They arrive to the church, and if you were a bird on a wire sitting adjacent from this beautiful  building you'd be watching the faithful fill this colored stained window institution with sprinkles of men in the crowd. Most of the males or men that are there are the elders who are up in age, or young boys who are their under the threats of their mom or grand mom. There are some who are young adults and middle aged, but most of the middle aged men are married. But for the vast majority, this church symbolizes the statistics of black women in our country. Approximately 42% of black women in America are unmarried. Why is this number so high, especially within a population who are faithful to a ideology that married is the divine order of raising a family.

Nearly ninety percent of African-Americans express "certain belief in God" and 55 percent say they "interpret scripture literally," according to the 2009 Pew Research Center study "A Religious Portrait of African-Americans."

One of the speculated reasons as to why black women who go to church are single is because many hold the idea, and in some communities it is taught that if a man doesn't go to church he is automatically disqualified a to being a potential mate. That alone will limit the choices of men they can choose from because black men are less likely to be affiliated with a church to even attend. This alludes to a previous article I wrote entitled "Why most black men don't go to church". according to Dr. Boyce Watkins,a professor at Syracuse University and advocate for African-American issues believes the social structure of the church keeps black men from attending.

"Those appealing, high-testosterone guys have a hard time getting into the 'Follow the leader, give me your money, and listen to what I have to say' attitude."
"Many of us have a difficult time submitting to the pastor who is just another man."
The male pastor, Cooper says, is the "alpha male" for many black women. Over-reverence for the pastor - or any religious figure for that matter - creates barriers for the black man, she says, because he feels like he must compete for the No. 1 spot in a black woman's heart.
In many cases women view their pastor as the ideal man, and any man who wants to be in their lives must meet or exceed this ideal set by the alpha male in the church. Once again limiting their options. Our core values and morals aren't set and established in a building, they follow us everyday in our lives. So with that being said, if black women wish to raise their chances of finding a man, they must be where the men are, and that sure isn't in church. By no means am I saying for women to leave the church. But first you must realize that just because a man doesn't attend church regularly or at all, it doesn't mean he isn't a upstanding moral and faithful man.
And when you find a man, more specifically a good man, if he sees that attending church is very important to you, he wouldn't mind attending because he loves you as the lord would want him to. But until then, you have to go where he is. Here's a hint GO LIONS!!!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Why #BlackLivesMatter: The Fight For Equal Rights, Equal Protection and Equal Punishment.

The reminiscent atmosphere of the turbulent 60's and civil rights has slowly but surely crept its way back into the forefront of the American social consciousness. African-American men, women and children have found themselves as targets and in the crosshairs of  white supremacist rifles, police issued guns and at the mercy of a judicial system where in its DNA is systematic racism that will try and convict them at a higher rate than that over their white counterparts.

In response to the tragedies of Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland the Charleston South Carolina terrorist attack and countless murders of other black men, women and children who've died at the hands of white police officers and extremist The people have spoken, the people have cried, the people is now yelling #BlackLivesMatter.

It seems that while many of us understands what #BlackLivesMatter means, many don't. Mainstream America in a predictable attempt to trivialize the #BlackLivesMatter movement has countered with an #AllLivesMatter respond. However, as I heard a poet once say "Fuck All Lives Matter" because all lives aren't being taken. The #BlackLivesMatter movement is in no way trying to say that black lives are more special than others, it's not saying we want better treatment. What we're saying is that our lives are equally as important as everyone else's. We deserve to have our rights equally protected, and if we find ourselves in the hands of the law for whatever reason, we have the right to be treated equally even in punishment.

Detractors, black and white alike attempt to inject propaganda to take steam away from the #BlackLivesMatter ideology with "Black on Black Crime" Statistics. It's truly disappointing to see people try so hard kill a movement built on a benevolent cause, especially so-called leaders in the black community.

Black on Black crime is a problem. I will not deny that. However, so is white on white crime. According to FBI homicide data white on white crime is at 83% and is study rising, while black on black crime is at its lowest rate in decades. The fact of the matter is every race commits acts of violence more within their own race than any other. This has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand. If a black man, kills another black man. One black man is dead and the other will likely be guaranteed and lengthy prison sentence as he should. It will not be swept under the rug, the suspect will not be allowed to go home and still earn money while awaiting an internal investigation by his friends and peers.

This would synonymous as telling America, even though Terrorist are killing us and our allies, we need to be focused more on American on American violence because, Americans kill more Americans than terrorist kill us. Do you see how stupid that sounds.

My hope is that the death of Sandra Bland does not become another story with immediate outrage and fizzle out of the minds of the people and become another story on the back page of newspapers. My hope is that as a black man, I can feel free to exercise my rights if I see they are being trampled by police authority, and if I am guilty of a crime. My punishment be equal to my white neighbor.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Why do blacks always vote Democrat (The GOP seeing red and are Dems giving us the Blues)

Recently on CNN's Situation Room hosted by Wolf Blitzer, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain an African-American said that most blacks in our country are brainwashed into not being open-minded about voting for the (Grand Old Party) GOP also known as the Republican party.

The former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza said, “I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative.” He added, “So it’s just brainwashing and people not being open-minded, pure and simple.”

For the record, I think Hermain Cain is a mis-informed person, who lacks the knowledge of his history. He may be smart business wise, but socially he has a total disconnect with the plight of the African-American struggle. Just because he's black doesn't mean he understands the black struggle. Just my opinion.

However, I myself have asked this question. Why do we blacks always seem to vote democrat regardless of the candidate. Speaking for myself I am an independent, I am not devoted to either party. However, I have never voted Republican in a presidential race, but I have refrained from voting because I did not like the Democratic candidate, and I thought the republican candidate was even worse. I have however voted Republican in local and state races. In Michigan I voted for republican Dick Devos over the Democrat Jennifer Granholm for govenor. And now my friends see why I voted that way (Thanks Jennifer) <--- enter sarcasm here.

I remember growing up and my and aunts and older cousins people in church and people in the community who were at the age to vote would say "Always vote Democrat, they are for black people" That was pretty much the answer or explanation. It was never fully explained, I would remember seeing picture with Dr. Martin luther King, JFK and Jesus Christ on the same photo, so me being young I was trying to make the connection. I wasn't sure if MLK was the 1st black president, if JFK was Jesus cousin, or if Jesus ordained them 2 to come save black people. So with that in mind I think it's high time we explained the history of the Democratic & Republican parties.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 for the express purpose of abolishing slavery. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoted the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery. As the leader of the moderate faction of the Republican party, Lincoln came under attack from all sides. 

Lincoln had hoped to resolve the slavery dispute by compromises with the Southern Democrats that would gradually end slavery. But, not wanting to lose the economic advantage of slavery and believing that blacks were less than human, the Democrat slave holders seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Lincoln had no recourse but to go to war, to preserve the Union.

The Civil War was the bloodiest war ever fought on American soil. Millions of Northern troops put their lives on the line to free the slaves. The war lasted for nearly 4 years and was finally won by Lincoln’s Federal troops, led by General Ulysses S. Grant. However, just six days after the surrender of Confederate commanding General Robert E. Lee, Lincoln was shot and killed by a Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. Andrew Johnson, a democrat , succeeded Lincoln after his death. Although strongly urged by Republicans in Congress to sign the Civil Rights bill, Johnson broke decisively with them, vetoing the bill on March 27, 1866.

U. S. Grant, a Republican, succeeded Johnson. As president for two terms, Grant made many advances in civil and human rights. In 1869 and 1871, he signed bills promoting black voting rights and prosecuting Klan leaders. He won passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, which gave freedmen the vote. The Force Acts, also signed by President Grant, helped protect the voting rights of African-Americans. The Force Acts were mainly aimed at limiting the activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Through the Acts, actions committed with the intent to influenced voters, prevent them from voting, or conspiring to deprive them of civil rights, including life, were made Federal Offenses.

One of the reasons I have asked myself this question is because most African-Americans are deeply religious, most of us are devout Christians and  people of faith, and we tend to or portray that our belief in God is what dictate our descisons or behaviors. And you would think that our beliefs would align with our white Christian brothers and sisters. You would think our social beliefs would match with our white counter parts. However, what I have realized is that when it comes to politics, African-Americans religious beliefs and social voting records do not match. But to be fair neither does conservative white Republicans.

Right-winged Conservative Republicans

1. Support the presevation of life, but is staunchly in support of the death penalty

2. Support the idea of personal free choice, hate big government interferring in the private sector. But support goverment interferring in the private choices of women when it comes to abortion.

3. They don't women to abort a child if she feels she can't financially support it, but they want to eradicate social programs that would help her with the child if she kept it like they wanted.

4. They are against Sharia Law (Islamic Law) in other countries, but they want prayer in schools, the 10 commandments publicly displayed in government buildings.

But what Hermain Cain also failed to realize is that people and ideas change overtime. Blacks didn't just jump on the Democratic band wagon for no apparent reason.

Blacks mostly voted Republican from after the Civil War and through the early part of the 20th century. That’s not surprising when one considers that Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president, and the white, segregationist politicians who governed Southern states in those days were Democrats. The Democratic Party didn’t welcome blacks then, and it wasn’t until 1924 that blacks were even permitted to attend Democratic conventions in any official capacity. Most blacks lived in the South, where they were mostly prevented from voting at all.

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats. This can be greatly attributed to "The New Deal" when FDR implemented social security, and other social welfare benefits
It wasn’t until Harry Truman garnered 77 percent of the black vote in 1948 that a majority of blacks reported that they thought of themselves as Democrats. Earlier that year Truman had issued an order desegregating the armed services and an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960.

But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.
The following year Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. No Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote since.

So blacks haven't always voted Democrat as a whole. We vote with the party who we feel our concerns and social agenda is heard and addressed. Let me also say that I feel that in this day and age the Democratic party takes advantage of the black vote, I also believe that the Democratic party likes to pacify the black voters to keep us supporting them. providing us with free this and free that and it creates a dependancy. Don't get me wrong I support many federal social programs for the poor. I work for one, but I believe as my program is designed to move people up and out of poverty to make them self-reliant.

However to my Right-Winged, Conservative, Tea-party, Patriotic, Red-blooded. This message is for you.

During slavery the unemployment rate for blacks was at 100%. Before FDR's "New Deal" The black unemployment rate was double that of their white counterparts. But it wasn't until unemployment hit over 20% for white Americans that the welfare program was created, and even then, blacks only recieved 10% of the benefits. So stop showing black faces when referring to American welfare recipients. If welfare was created for blacks in the 1930's, it wouldn't have been created at all ~ That is all

Bositis, David A. "Blacks and the 2004 Democratic National Convention." Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Table 1, Presidential vote and party identification of black Americans, 1936–2000; p. 9.
Bositis, David A. "The Black Vote in 2004," Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 2005.
Apple Jr., R.W. "G.O.P. Tries Hard to Win Black Votes, but Recent History Works Against It." The New York Times, 19 Sept. 1996.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss. (The Acceptance of Self-Delusion)

There is an old saying that goes "Ignorance is Bliss". We say it often, but I don't really think many of us knows what it actually means. The root word of ignorance is "ignore". What is ignore? To ignore is to refuse & acknowledge or intentionally disregard or recognize the obvious. So when we say "Ignorance is Bliss" were saying, not knowing something is more comfortable than knowing.

It is natural for human beings to go into a self-preservation mode when they believe their life is in danger, whether it be physically or emotionally. We protect ourselves from physical external danger in order for continual life and survival. We emotionally guard ourselves usually after we have been emotionally damaged in the past from a broken heart, hurt from a family member from friends, most of the time from the people we love or care about. These are natural actions & reactions that occurs without intent.

But what I find interesting is the way we go into this self-preservation mode mentally & psychologically. Out of all these self-preservation modes, protecting the mental & psychological self seems to be the only one we will intentionally immerse ourselves into when we are faced with a reality that contradicts the way we were raised. We intentionally ignore proven facts & truth because it may go against what we've been conditioned to learn our entire lives.

The interesting part of this is that if we knew someone who grew up next to us our entire lives, whether it be a brother, sister, cousin, or friend and you both are spoon fed the same stories as a child, but this person decides to go against status quo and venture outside the realm of what you've learned, then this person returns to inform you and everyone else that what you've learned is not reality. This person is ostracized or villified. He/she is accused of being uppity, evil, or not real anymore. And can be threatened with death.

For some of my readers you may already be familiar with "Allegory of the Cave" by the Greek Philospher Plato. But for those of you who are not, I strongly encourage you to continue to read this blog because I will attempt to give you a synopsis of the story.

Allegory of the Cave is a story told by Plato in his work "The Republic" to illustrate our nature in its education and want of an education. It is written as a fictional dialogue between Plato's teacher Socrates and Platos brother Glaucon.


Socrates describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives. they are facing a blank wall, the people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to personify these shadows. He asks Glaucon to imagine a cave inhabited by people who have been chained and held there since childhood: not only are their arms and legs held in place, but their heads are also fixed, they have no choice but to stare at a wall in front of them. Behind these people is a blazing fire, and between the fire and the people is a walkway, on this walkway people are walking carrying things on their head. These are figures of men and animals made of wood, brick and other materials". The people watch the shadows cast by the men, not knowing they are shadows. There are also echoes off the wall from the noise produced from the walkway.

Socrates suggests the people would believe the shadows to be real things and the echoes to be real sounds, not just reflections of reality, since they are all they had ever seen or heard. After a while they would begin to give praise to the persons who could  guess which shadow would come next, as someone who understood the nature of the world, and the whole of their society would depend on the shadows on the wall.


Socrates then says lets suppose one of these people are freed from the shackles and allowed to stand up. Then someone shows this person the figure that were actually casting the figures on the wall. This person will not recognize them or name them and will still continue to believe the shadows on the wall is more real than what he sees with his own eyes.

Say he is then instructed to look at the fire, wouldn't he be almost struck with blindness and through self-preservation try to revert back to looking at the shadows, because that is his reality. He is then forced out of the cave. He will kick and scream and fight initially. Once he is completely out the cave he will be disoriented, the light will be to bright for his ees that is accustomed to darkness. But after some time, his eyes will aclimate to the light. He will then realize that it is the Sun that is responsible for the changing of the seasons, it is the source of life, it gives them light to see all that they survey outside the cave.


This person has now returned to the cave. Socrates then asks Glaucon to think about the condition of this man. He would remember his first home and what passed for knowledge and wisdom there, he would remember his family and friends. He would then consider himself wiser, learned & happier and consider them unlearned and in darkness. He  would begin to develope a distaste for the things they honor and praise, and the gifts they were awarded for who guessed best which shadows followed which. Also, when he returned he would be terrible at the game he once use to play, because he is no longer in darkness. The people would actually tell him he went up and came back corrupted, he no longer know where he comes from. And in their opinion it's not even worth them to try and go up. They'd rather stay where they are in their own reality. And if they were somehow able to get their hands on and kill the man who attempts to release and lead them up, they would do it.


We as a people not only black people but people as a whole are comfortable with our ignorance. We feel safe where we are because it is our comfort zone. Anyone who is exposed to the light and cmes back to teach us, lead us and guide us will be considered the enemy. I say it is time for us to come into the light. This story can apply to so many facids of our lives. Whether its "The Hood Keep it Real" mentality "Our spiritual & religious beliefs" our idea on "Community Upliftment and Family". What do you think? Until next time .......Peace

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life (Why both of their arguments fail & why men can't be either)

A pro-choice person says "77% of anti-abortion leaders are men but 100% will never be pregnant". A pro-life person says "Its funny, 100% of the people who are pro-choice have already been born".

Are pro-choice advocates a bunch of selfish angry feminist women & irresponsible men who have waged a personal intafadah on infants? Or are pro"lifers a bunch bible thumping religous zealouts who's sole purpose is to force everyone to think & believe like them? Well, depending on who you are and how passionate you are on this particular subject, you probably believe one of these. However, you can't really lump people who disagrees with your argument in to one of these narrow minded groups.

I understand many people in our country don't really get into politics they don't listen to the politican who supports there side. They don't take part into the democratic process by voting on the politician who supports there side. Or engage into social protest by letting your voice be heard to add to the sea of others who are on your side to make your side 1 person louder than the others. Furthermore, some of us don't even watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox News or even the local news for that much to get up to date news on the issue. With all of that being said, the abortion fight is very unique, it seems to be one of the few issues where everyone seems to have an opinion on whether they are knowlegable of the history of the fight or not.

What I have realized in my growth of wisdom, political awarness & constitutional rights is that it doesn't matter what I think in this subject. The fact that I have a penis makes my opinion null & void. Now before you pro-choicers get excited  by that last statment, you also have to realize that the men who support your side, there opinion is null & void as well. I'm not here to argue one side over the other, I'm not here to judge anyone. What I will attempt to do with this article is explain why the current abortion law violates our constitution and why the religious right is wrong, and why men cannot be apart of the fight until it's equal by law.

If you approached anyone who is pro-choice and simply asked them "Should any woman be forced into motherhood?" They will answer you before you even finish the question with a very confident & stern NO! However, on my day to day dealings with dads as a fatherhood outreach worker, I can confidently say around 70% of the fathers were forced into parenthood even though they weren't ready.

When we a woman & particularly a young girl become pregnant she has a very important decision to make. She decides whether to keep the child or not. If she keeps the child she becomes a young mother, she has brought a life into this world, experienced one of the world greatest miracles. Or, she can choose to have an abortion. If she goes this route, in the opinion of some people in our society she has made a very responsible decision, she has chose to focus on her future, she chose to establish financial stability, she chose to get her education. And whenever she does decide to have a kids, the child will have a greater chance of success in life. Either way she is hailed as a very responsible person making responsible decisions. Here is the problem.

Men or even young boys aren't given that choice. If this same young girl gets pregnant and chooses to have the kid but the dad  says he isn't ready to be a dad for the same exact reasons I stated in the above paragraph for the young girl, He is immediately ostracized, he is called irresponsible, he is demonized for even brining up the idea. He is told "If you are man enough to lay down & have sex you should be man enough to take care of the child". Or, if you didn't want any kids you should've kept your pants up, or you should have you used a condom. I'm sorry that is just empty rhetoric used to justify a means. We don't tell the girl she should have kept her pants up and nevermind the fact that she allowed him to be down there in the first place without a condom.

Many people are unware that during the original Roe v Wade arguments the pro-choice side argued that all men do is provide to the female a "Viable Tissue Mass" (sperm), but it is soley the females decision or choice to allow the tissue to cultivate and become a embryo or a child, so the man has no right to decide whether she should keep it or not. So I will ask this question, because she is the one who soley decides alone to allow the tissue to cultivate & decides to keep the child. Why are we going after men for child support, why are we telling them they have to support something they had no choice in creating. We tell these men it took 2 to make this child when its time to rape their pockest for weelky child support payments, but then on the other hand we tell them its none of their business, its between the woman & her doctor if the child is to even come into existence.

I've been married almost 8 years, and if my wife becomes pregnant, it is her choice and her choice alone to keep the child. I as the husband legally have no rights to that decision, I cannot tell her she has to keep it nor can I tell her to abort it. However, if she was to have an affair & get preganat from the affair, I as the husband by Michigan Law is legally responsible for the child even if the DNA proves I'm not the father. So if I divorce her because of the affair I still have to pay her child support for that child because the laws says any child born in a marriage automatically belongs to the husband. There's your EQUAL RIGHTS.

I want to briefly touch on this whole responsibilty issue because as I said before we often tell the boy or man that he should keep his pants up, zipper closed or condom wrapped tight but we don't tell the girls this. The only equality both the male & female have is the decisions they make right before they have sex. But right after sex is over, that is were the men or the boys rights & choices end. After that every decision belongs to her. Young girls and women are given numerous ways to evade responsiblity and are provided different methods of prevention. Lets take a look.

Women/Girls options before after & during pregnacy

1. Surgical Abortions
2. Non-Surgical Abortion
3. The Abortion Pill RU-487
4. Birth Control Pill
5. The morning after pill
6. Condoms
7. Adoption
8. Legal abandonment (Safe haven laws)
9. Abstinence

Men/Boys options before after and during pregnancy

1. Condoms
2. Abstinence

Now let me kill this argument now before you start trying to use this as a cornerstone for your case. I am not talking about cases of Rape or Incest, were studies show that this is less than 0.01% of the reasons for abortions. I believe educating our young girls and is some cases grown women about the services provided in cases of those two horrific events that reporting it immediately can do 2 things.

1. Have a greater chance of bringing the criminal who raped them or the the relative who impregnated her to justice
2. Terminate or prevent a unwanted pregnancy by using the morning after pill, or the RU-487 pill

Some of my critics say that if men are given a choice like women, then we are going to have men running around having kids by the dozens & not supporting them leaving the mom to support them alone (scoff) like thats not already happening, and is it any worse than her dropping the child off at the local church, police station, fire station, or hospital legally leaving the child with no parents let alone just one.

So as I close this I will explain why both sides have it wrong and why men can't be either.

Pro-Lifers: The whole religious argument is ridiculus, especially in a country where there is a separation of Church & State. The United States is a  Republic not a Theocracy nor really is it a Democracy. What do you tell a couple who are atheist. You may not agree with their outlook on life, but they are just as American and patriotic as you are, and deserve protection under the law.

Pro-Choicers: Your argument fails because the Equal Rights Amendment is suppose to affirm that women & men have equal protection under the law, even if that protection is from unwanted parenthood that is afforded to women.

Men: Until that amendment is fully recognized and enforced you really can't be either because you have no power to excercise that right whether you are pro-choice or pro-life.

So until then i'm telling the extremist on both sides "Get a life" no pun intended....Until next time...Peace

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Welcome To The New Jim Crow " The Mass Incarceration of African-American Men

If you approach any person on the street who has even the most limited knowledge about the African-American experience here in a America, and ask them have blacks made progress in the political, social, educational & economic realm of our society. You will probably get a resounding YES! Blacks, Whites, Arabs, Asians & Hispanics would agree with this. Most likely the percentage of the affirmitive would vary among each ethnic group, with the highest % of those who agree being white and the lowest being among blacks.

How can someone disagree? Just look at all the black people who have broken the chains of social opression to make into the upper echelon of the American Dream and have established the print of black american normalcy. We have, Oprah Winfery, Jay-Z, Bob Johnson, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan & of course our 44th President of The United States Barack Hussein Obama. This list goes on & on. But of course (insert sarcastisc voice here) all of these successful black people recieved there riches by  belonging to secret satanic societies, such as the Illuminati, The Boule & The Freemasons. By the way shout out to my bruhs the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons, members of King David Lodge # 20 of Muskegon MI. Travel light Bruhs.  

With all of that being said, there is no way we can deny the progress we've made. I for one, will not & cannot deny advancements by our people. But you must understand that the progress of a people is not determined by how many wealthy individuals they have produced over time. It's determined by the seismic shift of advancement the group has made over all. I want you to take a look at some alarming facts about the incarceration of the black men in our country. According to Michelle Alexander author of "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness". 

* There are more African Americans under correctional control today -- in prison or jail, on probation or parole -- than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began.

* As of 2004, more African American men were disenfranchised (due to felon disenfranchisement laws) than in 1870, the year the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified prohibiting laws that explicitly deny the right to vote on the basis of race.

* If you take into account prisoners, a large majority of African American men in some urban areas, like Chicago, have been labeled felons for life. These men are part of a growing undercaste -- not class, caste -- a group of people who are permanently relegated, by law, to an inferior second-class status. They can be denied the right to vote, automatically excluded from juries, and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education, and public benefits -- much as their grandparents and great-grandparents once were during the Jim Crow era.

I attribute "The War on Drugs" as the catalyst of this phenomenon. The so called war on drugs which is a war thats been wage pretty much exculsively on poor communities & predominately on people of color. It has given our country ways to legally deny black men the right to vote, automatically excluded them from juries, and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education, and public benefits.

Naysayers will try and attribute these facts by insisting that it is the rising crime rates in the black community that has made these numbers possible. However, some studies indicate that white youth are significantly more likely to engage in illegal drug dealing than black youth. The issue is that black men are incarcerated at such a higher rate for the same exact crime that his white counterparts recieve probabations & slaps on the wrist for.

So while we in the right hand imprison black men at least 5 times before the age of  25 for the same crimes white men are giving a pass on. Then upon release, place them into a caste system where there is virtually no way for them to advance in a already weak economy, predjudice workforce, automatic denial of finacial aid for college & public benefits because of his criminal past. Then in the left hand, we deny predominately black families more benefits if he resides in the home with his kids & their mother, so she keeps him out the home to keep higher food stamps & TANF benefits, provide her with housing benefits, educational opportunities, employment opportunities which then  creates a self-delusional idea of a "independent woman" which unfortunately leads to a divide in the black family because he can't provide and she thinks she doing both jobs as parents. She remaims pacified & he remains classified. and none of us advances.

So while we were crowning President Clinton as the 1st Black President (Pre-Obama) because he played a saxaphone, smoked weed & recieved fallatio in the oval office from an intern we weren't looking at the fact that he alone could have overriden the congressional vote to pass this mandatory minimum, but he declined to do so, and the 100:1 ratio persist to this day....Part 2 of this will focus on Prisons them self and the inhumane treatment. Is it a place for punishment, rehabilition or both...Until next time.....Peace

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"The Broken Window Theory" Black Men Reclaim Your Communities.

There is an old african proverb that I'm sure all of my readers are familar with. Its goes, "It takes a village to raise a child". This quote has been used so many times & commercialized that the power behind it has almost diminished. The concept behind this proverb is to indicate that not only does mom & dad have a responsibility to raise their children, but the entire community is obligated to. Aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends, everyone raises every child.  Out of the many traditions, beliefs & practices that our ancestors abandoned willingly or by force through slavery, I am glad that this is one of the ones that carried on.

However, even this concept & tradition has not been able to stand the test of time. We now live in the age of "Me". People are now only concerned with themselves, they only look out for their own interest, their own home, their own family & their own children. Even worse, is that home, family, & children are not even concerned for anymore, but we'll discuss that another time.

After my freshman year at Ferris State University, I came home to deliver a speech for a "Rites of Passage" ceremony. (Pause) I want to take this time out to briefly explain to my readers who may not know what exactly a "Rites of Passage" is.  A rite of passage is an african ritual that marks a person's progress from one status to another. This ritual can consist of many tests of endurance, knowledge, agility etc. After the person(s) complete these particular tasks they must go in front of the community elders & ask for permission to become an adult. If the community elders feels they haven't complied or have been less than satisfactory they can be denied permission into adulthood. Now that is key because they may by all means in age be considered an adult in our society today, but to that community they are still considered children.

Now during my rite of passage our tasks included community service, book reports from required readings, learning a new language which at that time was Swahili (I now speak french as a second language), skills in public speaking, completing school homework & maintaining good grades. Yeah, it seemed like alot, and yes it was alot, but it built character & most importantly we stayed so busy we didn't have time to get in trouble.

So here I am delivering this speech in 1997 as a "Man" (so said my elders). Now in this speech I entitled it "The Village Garden," and in a nut shell what I said was that even today the village is continuing to raise the child, but the problem was that the wrong people were tending the village. What I cleverly did was compare our communities to "Gardens". I personified a garden to show the comparisons to our village. I said that the children were the seeds, and that the gardeners were the elders or the proper ones to help these seeds eventually blossom & grow. However, if you do not tend to the garden as you should, weeds will begin to infiltrate the garden & kill the flowers. The weeds being drug dealers, drug users, prostitutes, thugs etc.

This brings me to the concept of the "Broken Window Theory" The broken window theory is a theory that uses cause & effects to prove that disorder and vandalism & other crimes can be spread like a disease and contribute to the decline of a neighborhood, and that with community effort of monitoring and maintaining your neighborhood in a well-ordered condition it could possible to prevent further vandalism as well as an escalation into more serious crimes. This theory was first introduced in a 1982 article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L Kelling. Since then it has been subject to great debate both within the social science and in the public debate.

Now let me quickly explain why I believe this to be true. I grew up in the projects of Pontiac Michigan, affectiontley known as the  P.J.P or the Project Posse. Lakeside Homes was the proper name. And at that time this community was considered to be the most dangerous in the city. It has now been torned down due to gentrification. If you enterd this place, especially after dark, you better be quick to either tell the gang memebers there who you were, who you were with, who your related to and your buisness there. If not, you could end up leaving in the back of an ambulance or in a coroner van. True story, just asked my sisters boyfriend at the time. He & his friend left in an ambulance.

Do you see how the gang took control over the community? Do you see how they have the power to control & dictate who enters & who can't? Why can't this be done in the reverse? Or even for that matter go back to when the positive black men in the community would lead the community to were their  women & children felt safe. This means patrol our communities, if there is a vacant home who's grass needs to be cut, cut it, so that it looks livable or occupied, if the vacant home has a  broken window, fix the window. If you don't, it's likely kids or gangs will break the rest of the windows because it shows knowone cares about this home. Eventually all the windows will be broken, then they will break into the vacant home, use it as a drug spot, a place for prostitution drug use, or the homless will move in, they will begin loitering and eventually it will spread across the street until someone breaks into your home, the whole neighborhood is now overun & it now takes police 5 hrs to come on an emergency call.

Form neighborhood watches. Neighborhood watches is not a snitch group. Snitching is when 2 or more people are engaged in illegal activities. 1 of the 2 is caught by the authorities and decide or is forced to give up the other in exchange for a lesser penalty. But if an innocent person witnessess a crime that can or has brought harm to them or others and tells the authorities, I'm sorry but thats not snitching & if you think I am a snitch after reading this then okay I'll be that. I'd rather turn in someone for killing a 5 yr old who was a victim of a stray bullet than know who did it and not say anything. I have a conscience.

So as I sit here sipping my green tea giving you my 2 cents on life, community, obligation & duty. I cannot help but hear the kids unsupervised outside instigating a fight. In the spirit of reclaimimg my community I'm headed outside to break it up...Peace.    
